Competency-based selection and assignment for project manager in Iranian railways projects by genetic multigenic programming




Project management, active personnel in the railway industry, competency-based selection, genetic programming, multigene regression


As a part of human resource management, active companies in Iran's railway industry must determine the qualifications for appropriate project managers in railway construction. This research aims to consider the importance of Iran's railway construction projects due to the lack of staff with expertise and their high economic impact and budget. A decision-making model is presented. The project manager's qualifications are determined through questionnaires answered by experts in the field. The numerical model is created to determine the qualifications for project management in the railway industry. Therefore, Competency-Based Selection by Genetic Programming Multigenic Regression (CSPR) is proposed for project-oriented human resource management. Decision-making is done in three phases: Hierarchical analysis process for evaluating and determining the qualifications based on the questionnaires. The model is trained and validated by creating optimal coefficients and genes to determine the contribution of each of these qualifications in determining each candidate's final qualifications based on experts' questionnaires. Finally, the model's accuracy with optimal coefficients will be tested based on the questionnaires not used in the model training phase. The CSPR model provides a qualitative method and numerical optimization to evaluate and grade the project manager in Iran's railway construction projects based on the metaheuristic method.


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How to Cite

VakilZadeh, M., Shayanfar , M., Zabihi-Samani , M., & Ravanshadnia , M. (2023). Competency-based selection and assignment for project manager in Iranian railways projects by genetic multigenic programming. Decision Making: Applications in Management and Engineering, 6(2), 808–827.