Etiology of the notion of event in terms of decision-making and determination of organizational system risk conditions
Organizational System, Decision-making, Risk, Event, HazardAbstract
The problem of functioning of organizational systems in a dynamic environment implies permanent influences from the environment. The tendency of these influences, since these are in connection with the functioning of other systems in terms of meeting their needs, is the creation of entropy of organizational systems. The causes of the impact are found in various occurrences in the environment, which are most often of a situational character. An impact can be made by one phenomenon, two or more. The interaction between phenomena usually contributes to an increase of the impact by intensity, time and number of exposed protected values. Management of an organizational system in such conditions depends on risk management quality, that is, on the quality of decision-making process in terms of risk. By understanding, identifying and responding to such events, it is possible to determine the risk to organizational systems elements and to make a decision on future actions. The problems of identifying optimal solution, that is, optimization tasks, are met and analyzed in all phases of an organizational system existence. The process of decision-making and the choice of the "best" alternative is mostly based on more than one criterion and various limits. This paper presents an approach to the analysis of elements of organizational system environment, which generate events that influence on the behavior of organizational systems. Deciding quality depends on the quality and availability of information about events in organizational system environment, which can be determined through different multi-criteria decision-making models. The result of the research is a qualitatively new definition of the notions of event and the extraordinary event viewed through the risk function as immanent characteristic of all events in the environment.).
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