New intuitionistic fuzzy parametric divergence measures and score function-based CoCoSo method for decision-making problems
Intuitionistic fuzzy sets, combined compromise solution, medical decision-making, divergence measure, score functionAbstract
The present study introduces a decision-making approach with the combined compromise solution (CoCoSo) under intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs) named as the IF-CoCoSo method based on proposed divergence measures and score function. The aim of the presented approach is to obtain an effective solution for multi-criteria decision-making problems on IFSs context. In this line, a new procedure is presented to derive the criteria weights using generalized score function and parametric divergence measures of IFSs. To compute the criteria weight, a generalized score function and parametric divergence measures are developed on IFSs and discussed some interesting properties. Further, the presented approach is applied to rank and evaluate the therapies for medical decision making problems, which demonstrates its applicability and feasibility. Finally, comparative and sensitivity analyses are discussed for validating the developed method.
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