The significance of warehouse management in supply chain: An ISM approach


  • Ashutosh Verma School of Mechanical Engineering, KIIT University, India
  • Sushanta Tripathy School of Mechanical Engineering, KIIT University, India
  • Deepak Singhal School of Mechanical Engineering, KIIT University, India



Warehouse, Supply Chain Management, Critical Factors, ISM.


Warehouse management is the key aspect for an uninterrupted flow of products within a supply chain. This paper deals with the critical factors that are responsible for creating an impactful influence on the working of warehouse management. The analysis involves the selection of critical factors then applying Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) methodology to them in order to get the level partition and final ISM model. This research also involves the MICMAC analysis on the factors which classifies all the selected factors into four groups namely, autonomous variables, dependent variables, linkage variables and driver variables. This research will help the supply chain architects to establish a better and reliable warehouse system. As this research involves analysis of multiple domains that is why a variety of users can refer to this work for their businesses, also the ISM approach gives a good accuracy of the hierarchy of the factors which helps in deciding the most effective chronology of the implementation of various warehousing operations. Researchers can also refer to this work to get insights of the significance of warehouse management in the supply chain and also the complete working of the ISM methodology.


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How to Cite

Verma, A. ., Tripathy, S., & Singhal, D. (2023). The significance of warehouse management in supply chain: An ISM approach. Decision Making: Applications in Management and Engineering, 6(1), 92–110.