Spatial analysis of logistics center location: A comprehensive approach
Geographic Information Systems, Location Analysis, Logistic Center, Spatial Analysis, Spatial Data Mining, SWOT Analysis keyAbstract
To select a suitable logistic center (LC) location it is necessary to do a comprehensive spatial analysis. Geographic information systems (GIS) are ideal for this type of spatial analysis which provides functionality to capture, store, and query, as well as analyze geographic information. The paper presents novel methodology for a LC location analysis based on GIS and SWOT analyses. The proposed method uses a GIS for data collection, spatial analysis, generating alternatives, and producing maps for further analysis. We used the GIS to support decision-making and for an analysis of the location attributes, including a number of relevant factors, namely spatial position, intermodal connections (road, water, air and rail transport), the size of the available location, topography, local traffic connections, environment, ecological aspect of the location, ownership structure, equipment of communal infrastructure, constraints in the area, etc. We used the SWOT analysis to determine strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the local area for attracting capital, knowledge and innovation. Experimental results on real-world problems, i.e., application of the proposed comprehensive methodology in a case study of a location analysis for the logistic center in the Municipality of Apatin, Vojvodina, Serbia, show that the proposed methodology provides upstanding results in the spatial analysis.
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