Prioritizing power outages causes in different scenarios of the global business network matrix by using BWM and TOPSIS




Power distribution networks, Power outage, Scenario planning, TOPSIS, BWM


Power outage is one of the significant problems for electricity distribution companies. Power outages cause customer dissatisfaction and reduce distribution companies' profits and revenues. Therefore, the electricity distribution companies are trying to moderate the leading causes of the outage. However, the dynamics of environmental conditions create uncertainties that require prioritizing the solutions of outages causes in different situations. Therefore, this study presents a scenario-based approach to prioritize power outage causes. Four case studies have been conducted in four cities of Kerman province in Iran. First, the prioritization criteria and causes of the outage were identified using literature and interviews with experts in this field. Then, the Global Business Network matrix was used to create four possible scenarios. Then, the Best-Worst method and TOPSIS method were applied to weight the prioritizing criteria and prioritize the causes of the outages in different scenarios. The results showed that working in the power network limit zone, as one of the causes of outage in Sirjan and Jiroft cities, has the most priority. Also, the collision of external objects, birds, and annoying trees should be considered by managers as the leading causes of outages in Bam and Kahnuj cities.


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How to Cite

Shahi Moridi, S., Moosavirad, S. H., Mirhosseini, M., Nikpour, H., & Mokhtari, A. (2023). Prioritizing power outages causes in different scenarios of the global business network matrix by using BWM and TOPSIS. Decision Making: Applications in Management and Engineering, 6(1), 321–340.