Supporting farming smart documentation system by modular blockchain solutions


  • Andi Arniaty Arsyad Departement of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Creative Informatics, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
  • Irawan Widi Widayat Departement of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Creative Informatics, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
  • Mario Köppen Departement of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Creative Informatics, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan



Smart Farming, Blockchain, IoT, Smart Documentation, Virtual World


For more than a decade, various farm-specific models have been developed by collaborating and integrating sensing technologies as a step toward successful data-farm documentation and effective decision-making. However, the stored and gathered data continues to rely on cloud infrastructure or centralized platform control, which is particularly vulnerable to threats such as data tampering, data distortion, confidentiality, and manipulation, which caused the farm product data difficult to trace to its provenance. In this paper, we propose a farm transaction model by demonstrating a flow of farm transaction simulation implicated by MBC sensing instrument with an array of sensors, controllers, networking hardware, computing equipment, and internal memory functions to enhance data integrity and security farm object. Based on the proposed model, a proof-of-concept experimental system called Encapsulating Block Mesh (EBM) integrates blockchain technology with the specific application case of cocoa production has been implemented. Results have shown that farm objects represented by MBC take turn recording information on the process of generating, transacting, and consuming a farm product and encrypting it into a block was validated and linked in the EBM with the hash of transaction data that connected to each cocoa farm object in a simulation environment.


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How to Cite

Arsyad, A. A., Widayat, I. W. ., & Köppen, M. (2022). Supporting farming smart documentation system by modular blockchain solutions. Decision Making: Applications in Management and Engineering, 5(1), 1–26.