Application of Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy MARCOS Approach for the Evaluation of E-Service Quality in the Airline Industry
E-service quality, Airlines, Fuzzy AHP, Fuzzy MARCOS, Fuzzy sets theoryAbstract
Airlines today use e-services extensively for marketing activities and the distribution of services. Monitoring and evaluating e-service quality are essential for customers’ satisfaction and thus the success of airlines. This study aims to evaluate e-service quality in the airline industry from the point of view of the consumers. To achieve this, an integrated Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (F-AHP) and Fuzzy Measurement Alternatives and Ranking according to Compromise Solution (F-MARCOS) approach was proposed to handle the uncertain and imprecise nature of e-service evaluation. In the first stage, e-service quality criteria were prioritized using the F-AHP method. Then, a real-world case study was carried out on scheduled airlines to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed approach using the F-MARCOS method, utilizing a total sample of 395 airline passengers in Turkey. As a result, the top three e-service criteria were found as reliability, understandability and security. A three-stage sensitivity analysis was also conducted to examine the credibility and stability of the results. This study is the first study to integrate F-AHP and F-MARCOS methods for the first time in literature.
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