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@article{Bozanic_Tešić_Puška_Štilić_Muhsen_2023, title={Ranking challenges, risks and threats using Fuzzy Inference System}, volume={6}, url={https://dmame-journal.org/index.php/dmame/article/view/926}, DOI={10.31181/dmame622023926}, abstractNote={<p>This paper presents a Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) designed to comprehensively assess challenges, risks, and threats. In the realm of security and defense, defining these elements is inherently uncertain and complex. The paper addresses this challenge by integrating fuzzy logic into the model. As a pivotal instrument for decision-making, the model not only facilitates the precise identification of challenges, risks, and threats but also provides vital support for the strategic and doctrinal document development process. The methodology proves instrumental in reconciling divergent perspectives, aligning theoretical intricacies with practical applications. By effectively capturing the nuanced interplay between variables, the model offers a dynamic framework that enhances the accuracy and efficiency of security-related decision-making.</p>}, number={2}, journal={Decision Making: Applications in Management and Engineering}, author={Bozanic, Darko and Tešić, Duško and Puška, Adis and Štilić, Anđelka and Muhsen, Yousif Raad}, year={2023}, month={Sep.}, pages={933–947} }