Evaluation and Selection of a Cybersecurity Platform ─ Case of the Power Sector in India
Critical infrastructure (CI), Cybersecurity platform, Best-worst method, BWM, COBRA, Best-worst method-improved, BWM-I, Power-grid in IndiaAbstract
Maintaining interconnected infrastructures such as transportation, communication, power grids, and pipeline networks is paramount in emerging economies. One of the critical interruptions is the targeted attacks on the operating cyber-physical systems to disconnect operations, inspection, or monitoring of the system. Therefore, adopting a cybersecurity system (or platform) that provides holistic protection is vital for protecting the integrity of critical infrastructure networks. As such, this research aspires to provide a decision support system for cybersecurity managers or practitioners (in the Indian power sector) to select the best and appropriate platform for protection against cyber-attacks. A three-phase method is adopted. First, a literature search followed by an expert panel discussion identified alternatives (cybersecurity platforms) and selection criteria. Next, a questionnaire was developed. Thirdly, a hybrid Best-Worst Improved and COmprehensive distance-Based RAnking (BWM-I and COBRA) method was proposed and applied to evaluate the cybersecurity platform alternatives. Four alternatives (Cloud-Based Platforms, Web-Based Platforms, Application-Based Platforms, and AI-Based Platforms), six primary criteria, and fifteen unique sub-criteria were identified. Responses were collected from 80 power utility managers on a pan-India basis, ranking "End-to-End Coverage" criteria and the AI-Based platform as best. This approach identified the best cybersecurity platform that, if adopted, can be extended to other critical infrastructures, with an appropriate adjustment in the selection criteria. The study can be helpful to practitioners in evaluating cybersecurity platforms. Furthermore, it addresses a research gap in its application in a developing country like India.
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