Agent-based Decision Making and Control of Manufacturing System Considering the Joint Production, Maintenance, and Quality by Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning, Agent-based modeling, Production Planning, Maintenance, Quality control, Real-time decision makingAbstract
Taking an integrated approach towards production, maintenance, and control in manufacturing systems is crucial due to the profound impact of their interconnections. Investigating these aspects in isolation may lead to infeasible solutions. This research focuses on the real-time and autonomous decision-making process concerning joint production planning, maintenance, and quality problems in a stochastic deteriorating production system with limited maintenance activities. Formulating the problem as a continuous semi-Markov decision process accounts for the complexities of the real production system and the occurrence of events over an uneven and continuous period. While dynamic programming is a common tool for addressing joint optimization problems, it has limitations, such as the curse of dimensionality. In this study, the optimal policy of the decision-maker agent is obtained by the goal-directed machine learning method called (R-SMART) and agent-based modeling. To the author's knowledge, the proposed approach is novel, and there is little research on such an implementation of the joint optimization problem. The quality of the optimal policy is evaluated through heuristic and simulation-optimization methods in various scenarios. The results demonstrate that the proposed RL-based method outperforms others in most scenarios, achieving a stable, integrated optimal policy.
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