Enhanced Decision Making in Smart Grid Management by Optimizing Adaptive Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Vehicle-to-Grid Systems
Decision making; Smart grid management; Optimization, Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning; Vehicle-to-Grid SystemsAbstract
This research proposes a decision-making framework in which the Adaptive Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) model and the concept of Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) interactivity are employed to improve the effective management of smart grids. The research hypothesis introduces innovations for improving the efficiency and security of power systems in the global south, primarily by controlling the net energy transmission between the defined electric vehicles (EVs) and the grid. Other issues that require attention to ensure the proper functioning of smart grids include demand response, load management, and energy storage optimization. In this instance, these gaps are filled by the system’s proposed framework. With the help of MARL, the system dynamics' autonomous learning aspects allow the system to adapt to the capacity of renewable energy sources and electricity demand, which is also time-dependent. Because of the MARL, the autonomous coordination of decision-making has resulted in very positive changes in the system's effectiveness. In particular, this framework permitted an increase of 13.6% in the total energy exchange between EVs and the grid, and the grid stability index improved from 0.84 to 0.87 compared to what would have been achieved with the conventional methods. Enhanced energy management and pricing rehabs added another 22% to net savings. Further, it is stated that deploying MARL-based V2G systems in developing areas has many benefits, including more robust grid reliability and energy security and better integration of renewable energy resources. Such changes aid in reducing fossil fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions
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